The Catalog & Compliance Tab - Knowledgebase / ESP Updates / Explore More - ASI Supplier Knowledge Base

The Catalog & Compliance Tab

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The Catalog & Compliance tab enables you to upload your catalog plus any certification and compliance documents.


Add Catalog via Material Intake

To upload a new catalog, click on the Add Catalog via Material Intake button.

Note: If no previous catalogs have been updated, there will be two add buttons, but either button will redirect you to the Material Intake tab.

Manage Catalogs

In the Manage Catalog section, you can click on the Edit link to update the descriptive information about the catalog. The available fields to update in the Edit Catalog window are:

  • Catalog Name
  • End buyer friendly checkbox
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Language
  • Currency

The File Name will also be displayed, but to update the file itself, go to the Material Intake tab.

When you are finished updating the information, click on the Save button.

If multiple catalogs have been uploaded, to change the order of the catalogs, click on the icon with the three horizontal lines and drag them to a new order.

Safety & Compliance Information

Just as with catalogs, you can add Safety & Compliance information by uploading a file from your computer or linking to an online document. First, type the name of the document in the Document Name box.

  • Upload a Document:

    To upload a document, choose the upload option using the radio button and click on the Select File button. Browse your computer, locate the file you would like to upload, and click on the Open button. Files must be a PDF. The name of the catalog file will be displayed with an Upload button. Click on the Upload button.

    The document will appear in the Manage Documents area.

  • Link to a Document
    To link to a document, choose the Online Document Link option using the radio button. Enter the URL and click on the Add button. The catalog will appear in the Manage Documents area.

Manage Documents

In the Manage Documents section, you can manage previously added or linked documents.

For uploaded documents, click on the View Document link to open the file. The file will open in the same tab as ESP Updates, so when you are finished previewing the file, use the back button your browser to return to the Catalog and Compliance tab. Closing the preview will close ESP Updates.

Use the Edit link to change the Document Name.

For linked documents, there are two Edit links. The Edit link next to the "X" enables you to change the Document Name. To update the URL, use the other Edit link.

Use the "X" to delete the document.

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