Using the Product Search - Knowledgebase / ESP Web - ASI Supplier Knowledge Base

Using the Product Search

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There are several ways to locate your products in ESP Web, including:

Product Quick Search

The Quick Search enables you to locate products using a variety of search options. The Quick Search can be used to locate:

  • All Products: All of your company's products, as well as equipment products/decorators in ESP (You will not be able to view other suppliers' information)
  • My Products: Your company's products within ESP

The dropdown enables you to toggle between the different searches and defaults to All Products.

If you want to search for specific products in your line, you can search in the Quick Search bar. You can also you can search for multiple product numbers by separating them with a comma in this box. For example: "101,102,103". As you begin typing in the Quick Search bar, your five most recent searches and saved searches will appear below the search box. As you being typing, after three letters, search terms that match what you have typed will display. To use the price range search, click into the Price box and enter either a quantity in either the minimum, maximum or both boxes as well as a quantity. You can also enter a quantity with or without a price range. After you have entered your search criteria, click on the Search button.

Search for Your Product Using Keywords

To search using keywords, click on the Open Advanced Search link. 

In the top portion of the Product Advanced Search, there are four boxes: All of the words (AND), Any of the words (OR), This exact phrase, and None of these words.

All of the words(AND)

The All of the words is a logical "AND" search, meaning that all the words that are searched must be in the product's details. For example, if you entered "c handle ceramic blue mug", every product in the search results would need to have all those search terms in its details.

Any of the words (OR)

The Any of the words search which is a logical "OR" search, meaning that any of the words that are searched could be in the product's details.

This exact phrase

This Exact Phrase search enables you to enter a series of words in this box that will result in items that include these specific keywords, in this order. A great example to show you the power of the Exact phrase search is to use Free Set Up in this field. When you search using "free set up", each of these products will include the phrase "free set up" - on their product detail page.

None of these words

The None of these words will enable you to enter words which you want excluded from the search results. So for example, let's say you wanted to search for your travel mugs, but don't want to see any that were made of ceramic. Note: Exclude these words only works with the All and the Any of the words search.

After entering the keyword(s) and/or phrase(s) you would like to use, click on the Search button.

Search Using Product Attributes

Product attributes are descriptive information about the product.

Search by Product Description (Color, Size, Price, Production Time, etc)

In the Product section, you can search by price range via Price, Cost, or Profit and then enter an amount in the min and max boxes as well as a Quantity.

To search using a production time, enter the number of business days in the Production Time box. Checking the Include Rush Time box enables you to also search using rush times in the number of days you have specified.

The next search field is Category. Start typing the category you would like to search and the available categories will display. ESP Web does a letter for letter partial match of the information you type. Click on the category to use it in your search. You are able enter criteria in the Material, Color, Product Number, Size, Imprint Method, Shape and Theme search boxes as well.
Note: When searching for a Product Number, you can type in one product number or use commas to search for multiple item numbers (for example: 101,102,103).

Search by Product Information (New Product, Virtual Sample Enabled, Made in USA, etc)

Placing a check in one of the checkboxes in the Other section will ensure your results include the selected criteria.

If you need to clear all the search fields, click on the Clear Search option.

After you have entered all of your criteria, click on the Search button.

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