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ESP Updates FAQs

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ESP Updates is an application available to ASI Suppliers which enables them to update their catalog, compliance, and product information.

ESP Updates General FAQs

What type of information should I enter in the Distributor Only Comments field?

Enter information that you want only the Distributor, and not the end buyer to see. Any information in this field will not display on End User Applications.

Once I add or edit a product, when will the information be updated on ESP?

ESP Web will display your updates within 30 minutes. Please allow 24 hours for updates to display on ESP Online.

When I add values to an option and then move to additional information, the value disappears. What should I do?

When entering a value, hit Enter, Comma or Tab on your keyboard to set the value. Please refer to the Attributes Tab in ESP Updates article for more information.

I don't see a tab to enter Production and Rush Time? Where can I enter that information?

Since Production and Rush times are normally based on imprinting, this information can be entered on the Imprinting Tab.

ESP Updates Homepage FAQs

How do I find the product that I want to edit?

There are a number of ways to find a product(s). You can search by the product name or product number via the "search within" field on the left side of the screen. You can search for multiple products at one time by entering multiple item numbers in the search field and separating the item numbers with a comma and space.

Try finding your products using the "Sort by" feature where you can sort by the product name or product number. Or, you can filter your products by using the filters on the left side of the page. Filters include product status, attributes, confirmed, price, and even rush time.

I am ready to enter my products, but my prices won't be finalized until next month. Do I need to enter all information at once?

No, you can enter as much information as you have and click on the Save button. You can come back to the items and finish entering product information at any time. The item will not appear on ESP until you set the product as Active.

I edited my product, why don't I see the changes on ESP?

When you are finished making edits, you need to click on the Active button to make the changes appear on ESP. Any product that has been edited but not activated will show a yellow warning on the Manage Products listing page to remind you to activate the changes made to the product.

What is the Catalog & Compliance Tab?

The Catalog & Compliance tab enables you to upload your catalog to ASI, as well as supply a link to your catalog. Additionally, if you have Safety or Compliance documentation that applies to all of your products, you upload that information in this tab or supply a link directly to that information. Please refer to the Navigating the ESP Updates Homepage article for more information about the Catalog & Compliance tab.

How do I enter information to the Supplier Info tab?

You can review your contact information via the Supplier Info tab. If you would like to make any changes, contact ASI at to update or modify the existing information.

Basic Details FAQs

How many categories can I assign to my item?

You may assign up to two (2) categories to each product.

Why am I seeing a checkbox for "New"?

The "New" checkbox will automatically be included on all newly created products in ESP Updates. This feature enables distributors to locate new products quickly when searching in ESP and also will display a denotation on the product listing in ESP that the item is new. A product is considered New for six (6) months after its creation.

What is the External Product Id?

The External Product Id is an auto-populated unique number code linked to the data for each product. This number can be changed.

How do I delete a theme I no longer want attached to my product?

Click on the red "X" next to the theme you no longer wish to have attached to your product.

Pricing FAQs

Can I change the display order of the price grids that will appear on ESP Web?

Yes, when you display multiple price grids for the same product, the Up and Down Reorder arrows appear to the right of the price grids. For more information, please refer to the Currency Type and Price Grid Organization section of the Pricing guide.

If I price my product by the case or roll, do I have to enter the price per piece or can I enter the price per case/roll?

Click on the unit link in the price grid, which by default is set to per "piece". Choose the unit type (case, roll, dozen, etc.) from the drop down list and enter the number of items per unit in the provided field. The system will do the per piece calculations for you. For more information, please refer to the Sold Per section of the Pricing guide.

Can I add pricing into a text field, such as product description or additional information field?

No, text fields do not get directed to ESP orders. Therefore, any price that is in a text field will not be applied to your product price.

My pricing is increasing by 5% across the board; do I have to edit all of my products and increase each one?

No, you can do a Bulk Edit. In the Manage Products tab, you can edit all products in your line, all products on the page, or choose a few products.

I checked the "can order less than minimum" box. How do I indicate the associated charges?

From the Pricing Tab, click the Upcharges tab. Check the "Less than Minimum" box and then click Next Step. Now, enter the price grid for the additional charges.

I want to add a Product Option. How do I indicate the cost of the option?

After adding the product option in the Attributes tab, go to the Pricing section. Click on the Upcharges tab and take the following steps:

  • Click on the Add an Upcharge button
  • Select Product Options
  • Click on the Next Step button
  • Select the values for which the upcharge will apply
  • Click on the Save button
  • Enter pricing in the available price grid

For more information on how to add an upcharge, please refer to the Adding an Upcharge article.

How do I add additional charges that may apply to colors, shapes, packaging, size etc.?

After adding the colors in the Attributes tab, go to the Pricing section. Click on the Upcharges tab and do the following:

  • Click on the Add an Upcharge button
  • Select Colors
  • Click on the Next Step button
  • Select the values for which the upcharge will apply
  • Click on the Save button
  • Enter pricing in the available price grid

For more information on how to add an upcharge, please refer to the Adding an Upcharge article.

How do I calculate the net cost of my products?

Enter the list price in the price grid and then select a price code. Once you enter the price code, ESP Updates will automatically calculate the net cost for you.

Can I adjust my prices for multiple products?

Yes. Use the bulk edit feature on the Manage Products tab. From the dropdown list, you can choose to adjust your Base Pricing or upcharge prices on all or selected products.

What are the benefits of confirming my products?

When you confirm your product a "confirmed logo" will display on the ESP search results page, letting the distributor know that the data/prices are accurate for the product. Distributors tend to choose products that are confirmed accurate over products that the supplier hasn't reviewed for accuracy.

Images FAQs

What are the image requirements?

In order for ASI to visually represent your products on ESP in the best manner, at least one image must be associated with each product or it won’t be active and available to distributors searching ESP. All images must meet the image requirements below:

  • Size (pixels): Recommended 2400x2400; Minimum is 600x600
  • Resolution: Recommended 300 DPI; Maximum is 600 DPI (better quality images help drive customers to your products)
  • In .jpg or .png format
  • Images must not contain any marketing verbiage, watermarks or contact information
  • Images must not contain any reference to the Pantone/PMS numbering system (For example: "PMS-123" is not permitted; use "Yellow-123" instead
  • Images must not contain a colored border
  • No images should contain un-authorized trademarks and/or logos without proper authorization
  • File Size: Maximum 10 MB (any file over 5MB should be compressed)
  • Image aspect ratio (relationship of height to width) must be maintained when re-sizing images
  • Please put multiple image files in a Zip folder when sending to ASI for processing
  • Make sure the file name for your main image matches the product number (for example: DS154.jpg)
  • Name additional images by product number and color/shape (for example DS154-red.jpg)
  • Upload both decorated and blank versions of the images if possible because it enables distributors to see examples of the item imprinted and/or create a virtual sample for their client

When using multiple images, tag the images with criteria tags like color and shape to ensure the appropriate image displays in search results and increase the likelihood that a distributor views it. Tag images with Media Tags which will help determine the location of the imprint on the product.

My product comes in several colors. Can I send an image for each color?

Yes, you can. In the images tab, you can upload multiple images and tag them accordingly. Tagging images assists distributors when they are searching. For more information on how to upload and tag images, please refer to the Upload An Image article.

If I upload more than one image per product, how do I indicate an image to be the default image?

The first uploaded image will be set as the default image. A different image can be set to the default image by clicking the "Set to Default" link next to the image of your choice. For more information on how to set a default product image, please refer to the Upload An Image article.

Why should I tag images?

By tagging images, your product becomes searchable by the tag. For example, if you have mug that is available in blue, red and yellow, by tagging the images with the color tags, when a distributor or end-user searches for Blue Mug the image of the blue mug will be displayed.

ESP Updates Technical Support FAQs

I am trying to edit my product and am getting an error. What should I do?

It is possible that the way in which your data was entered may be conflicting with the system. Please contact the ESP Information Team (EIT) at (800) 546-1350, ext. 4377.

Am I able to add hidden keywords?

Yes, from the Basic Details tab, enter hidden keywords in the Product Keywords field. Separate keywords by using the comma, tab or enter key.

How do I get access to ESP Updates?

Go to and login. If you do not have your login information, please contact the ESP Information Team (EIT) at (800) 564-1350, ext. 4377.

How do I make my product virtual sample enabled?

Please contact the ESP Information Team (EIT) at (800) 564-1350, ext. 4377.

Does ESP Web have pay for placement?

Yes, please contact your Account Executive for details.

Will current advertisements I do on ESP Online automatically be showcased on the new version of ESP?

Yes, all ESP ads will be displayed on both versions of ESP. Your ROI reports will reflect all traffic served.

I would like to advertise on ESP. Who should I speak with about this opportunity?

You can contact your supplier sales account executive for information on advertising opportunities.

If my products are not all confirmed, will they still appear on ESP Web?

Yes, but only confirmed products will have the confirmed icon.

Will suppliers get to see the top distributor searches?

Yes, the top 20 searches performed by distributors in ESP are available by clicking on "Top Searches" from the Management Toolbar.

Where can I get training on ESP Updates?

ESP Updates training is available on demand via training video.

If you would like to attend a live ESP Updates webinar, please use the ESP Updates Training Calendar to select a date and time that works best for you.

Am I able to upload multiple product images?

Yes, the Uploading an Image article provides instructions on how to upload and manage multiple images.

How often can I update my products?

While you are able to log in as many times as you like, it is recommended that you only submit a product update for an item a maximum of once per day.

How can I calculate the list price of an item?

The system will calculate the price for you. Enter the net price in the net price field. And choose the discount from the drop down list. The system will automatically populate the list price in the list price field.

How do I log out of the ESP Updates admin?

Go to My Account on the Application Toolbar and select "Logout".

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